
:):) :D happ times. skriver inte så värst mycket här just nu har lite andra instagram funkar att ta en titt på vet jag!

Dinner at Julias crib

My yesterday: afterparty in the morning til the afternoon at gunnar with Tim Theresa Anton Olle och Felix . In the evening Julia had made lots of food elk steak pies for all of the girls... U name it! Very good night I can tell you.

Think I'm gonna do some body pump this afternoon.

See you


So on friday im going to get my room painted...ow where am I going to put all of my stuff?!


Ive done my first mud cake here in Mariehem. YUMMMMy


yeah, i bought a pair of glasses yesterday. finally. Than I had my friends sara, ayan anton and Carl over for a drink... and than we went out...Fun night

In the deep forests of north..

Yesterday ended up singing karaoke at a place I've never been before... That is all I'm gonna share with you for today. Right!


Right now I'm listening to melbournian radio... Listening to their cool accent one of my favorites !
Now I'm going to play some more of quizkampen before I go to sleep. Xx


Get up of your knees

Hey! Today has been Great! Awesome people lights up my days up here in the north. Today's fun was happening at Theresa's place at lunch.. Spaghetti mince... Cider... !
Now I'm gonna study some more. C ya


This nice cool weekend is over and I've got two sore legs from today's skiing and yesterday's body pump! This afternoon I had my classmate calle over for some tea. Yoooo what a Sunday . Why do I want the week to start now?? I don't want to have any more spare time . I'm all over it now. Please!

Good night!

tenta part...check.

Party yesterday was so fun !! it started out with dinnerwith ayan and anton at his place. yummy. than we went to theresas place with lots of classmates. than we did go outto dance and such things..and I had a competition " how long did it take for me to get a free drink from someone..."Thrreee minutes later I had one :P
On the way home I walked with Maria and anton and it ended like this..

Clean like a lady

Yes this morning im doing the laundry. Fun huh? Well today I'm feeling better and I'm going to try to go to school this afternoon . Here you go u can have a look at one of the background pics of mine!!;):
Haha . Not funny.

nudels and studies

...and ice cream makes the world go around. A day like today.

Sick man is a sick woman

Today I'm sick. Surprise, I hope that its something I've been eating so that it doesn't last forever . Now I'm gonna sleep this day away.

Oh oh perception

Tommorrow I've got my third test in perception wish me luck!!!! I do so wanna make it !!!!!! Get it out of the system. Today I went on a class called punch out . I did go with Ayan , I guess it is really good cardio workout. Funny as well.

Eeh? :) I'm in my bed and had had some popcorn to finish this day up with. I've got a load left coz I recon I've never liked popcorn that much... Anyway.



Public transport over here suck like....craaaap. I´ve been hangin out with Julia in school today, but she left me for dinner ;(. whateveerrrr.Its sat I cant blame ya ;). I´ve done pretty much this afternoon anyway so I´m feeling alright.

You should see my phone and air now ....!


Hi mates! After 10 months in Melbourne, Australia it is time to go back to the reality in Sweden. I´m sad that I had to leave and happy to look forward for my new adventures. Whats the next thing thats gonna happen in my life? You never know. Just keep my (and your) eyes open and you´ll see!

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